The Entertainment Division of Providence reaches from the Grand Stadiums to the flashing lights and sounds of today’s Casino’s. America both works hard and plays hard. All too often, a fun filled day at play can end in disaster…
Wherever there exists a large concentration of people enjoying recreation and lodging without concern of threat, there will be those that want to make a statement, invoke revenge, or for any other senseless motive. A proper Risk Analysis and qualified Threat Assessment are daily requirements of Management. Their greatest asset, Guests and Staff, are worth it.
Our highly skilled Contraband Teams discover more than Illicit Narcotics, to include the presence of Alcoholic Beverages, Commonly Abused Medications, and Firearms.
A “probability unknown” status is too great of a risk. Providence provides answers to the questions you ask. Through our highly acclaimed Safety Sweeps, proper detection of explosive components are afforded our Clients and certain deterrence is provided against those considering acts of violence. Additionally, Providence can provided both detection and deterrence of Employees bringing illegal narcotics to the workplace.
Entertainment is a precious commodity. So are our Guests…