Providence provides our renowned Safety Sweeps to Correctional Facilities by utilizing the amazing olfactory abilities of our Working Canines. Our Field Work depicts actual images of varying Contraband successfully detected while in the Field. Our highly skilled Contraband Teams discover more than Illicit Narcotics, to include Alcoholic Beverages, Commonly Abused Medications, and Firearms.
Your understanding of what we need is really incredible.
Thank you so much for keeping us safe!"
We understand the unique nature and scope of Correctional Facilities of all sizes. Providence is well versed in Detention Procedures and Protocol providing site Administrators and Security peace of mind. Inmates, Residents, and Staff are treated with respect upon the arrival of a Providence Team. Testimonials from our many faithful Clients are available for your review.
Providence provides full Evidentiary Documentation to our Client with every Safety Sweep. Contraband discoveries are sealed into an evidence bag and retained by the Facility. Inmates know they may see our Working Canines at any time.
Beyond detection, we also provide Professional Development Training to your Staff. The poor choices of a few affect the safety of the populace. To this end, Provides provides a unique blend of both detection and deterrence.