We would like to welcome you to Providence Working Canines! As one in leadership, you recognize the responsibility that is uniquely yours. In an uncertain world, the safety of others is but one of the many objectives before you. Knowing families anticipate the safe return of their loved ones following a day at school and work, our unique skills are available to assist you by utilizing the amazing olfactory ability of the Working Canine. Our objective is not to grow a business, but to solve a problem. The business will follow. Providence exists to this end…

Whether you are a faithful Providence Client or simply a visitor to our site, we hope you will be encouraged by the information provided. If you are one of our valued Clients, please visit the Client Login section where a host of data, photographs, videos, and contemporary intelligence are provided to educate you to the reality of the dangers in your respective places of responsibility. Testimonials from our many faithful Clients are available for your review.
Again, thank you for visiting us! We hope you will return and return often. At Providence, we are “Succeeding Where Man Alone Never Could.”
Stay Safe,
Stephen & Julie Mortensen
Providence Working Canines, Inc.